Have you ever sat there and really anticipated something? I have. A lot…and this session was one of those things! This sweet Mommy had gotten in touch with me after seeing another client’s session and I am so thankful that she did! Unfortunately, it was not an easy (or quick) session to schedule (life happens, and I totally get it!), but when it was finally set, it was awesome! And can you believe it…this little guy wasn’t feeling very well during the session, but he did such a wonderful job. Look at those smiles!
This is one of those sessions that I can use over and over again as an example of letting things roll, letting kids be kids, and trusting your photographer! Oh, and it’s totally a session I’ll use for outfit coordination…look at those matching colors and that pop, even amidst the beautiful fall leaves! We had a vision for this session, and I think it turned out even better than we could have hoped for, and I’m so thankful that Mom and Dad love the images as well (as did their cat, since apparently the picture package was a new place to lay!). I’ll take the win!
Enjoy this session, the fun, the smiles… and the beautiful fall leaves! Remember, no matter what is going on in session…have fun! Your kids will enjoy it so much more if you are enjoying it too…this Mom and Dad nailed it with their ease and comfort, and their baby boy {A} fed off of their joy. These are the sessions that are the most “real” and the moments you’ll want to have captured.
What. A. CUTIE!! I can’t even lie…when I saw this handsome little guy with that amazing smile (and those eyes!)…heart.melt!

Seriously…he knows he’s a little cutie pie!

Not every picture can be “posed” with little ones…go with the flow and enjoy watching them run around. Those are often the favorite images!

Oh this boy! Mommy had told me that Baby {A} (yes, since my little guy is nearly 6 and is my baby, this one can be too!) had pictures taken with this football when he was a newborn, so we needed to try to capture it in there. No problem. He nailed it! I only wish I was going to be permanently here to capture more of these images of him holding it.

Such fun! Our little guy got of of the picture taking groove…so, playing with leaves offered an awesome (and realistic) break…and he didn’t know the difference!

Just another moment to lay with Mommy…I wish I had some professional captures like this!

Mom and Dad individually with the kids. They’re a must!

I couldn’t bear to do just Daddy with the silhouette…so Mommy got one too!

Look at those colors!! Perfect depiction of an Alabama fall session. I LOVE this location!

And, one more…I’m always a sucker for black and whites. They’re sort of my thing, and have a sort of timelessness about them!

Thank you for spending this time with me {F} Family!! I loved our time together, and I’m so, so happy you love your images and prints!
Tags: Alabama Lifestyle Photographer, Alabama Newborn Photographer, Childrens Photographer, Family, Family Photographer Alabama, Maxwell Air Force Base Photographer, Maxwell Gunter Photographer, Military Family Photographer, Montgomery Alabama Family Photographer, Montgomery Alabama Lifestyle Photographer, Montgomery Alabama Portrait Photographer, Pike Road Family Photographer, Prattville Photographer