For those of you who may not know, I am a contributing artist and team member with an AMAZING photography community called By He{Art}. You can find us HERE on Facebook, and you can also check out our blog, located HERE.
The six of us who run By He{Art} have a vision to help create a safe place for photographers, new and seasoned, to feel comfortable sharing images without the fear of harsh and unwarranted CC (constructive criticism) and to find encouragement and support amidst a sea of other photographers. As hobbyists or professionals and everyone in between, it’s often hard to stand out as creatives, and we envision a place where people want to share and be seen for the art that they create.
One of the ways that we help our photographers grow and share is by offering weekly themed challenges. Our September might have been the most memorable month of weekly themed challenges yet! Our Founder, the lovely Jenn Franzin of Pretty Pixels Photography along with Holly Nicole of The Timekeeper, was able to create a month of shares that were {Inspired By: } a set famous artists. We were all {Inspired By: Ansel Adams, Francesca Woodman, Henri Cartier-Bresson}…and the week that I’m about to share with you is my personal take on the theme {Inspired By: Imogen Cunningham}.
Much to my dismay, I wasn’t able to go out and shoot specifically for this theme; however, I did manage to find a couple botany images that were already converted into the deep, high contrast black and white style that is so characteristic of Cunningham’s work. A couple, I also had to convert, and I am happy to say that I am very please with the results!
For more information on the talented Imogen Cunningham, you can look HERE to find out about her life and see some more of her work. We also did a short biography on Cunningham and shared a few inspiration images at By He{Art} if you would like to pop over and see those as well!