I’m just now going back through super old drafts that I have started, and decided I’d like to share this, even though it’s about four years old! And I’ve done two weddings since this one!
I am frequently asked if I do weddings…
*I do*
That said, it’s typically people who truly want me for my photography style and those who have more intimate, smaller weddings. I was so, so grateful to end my time in Alabama with a bang and a one of a kind wedding on the Alabama Riverfront in Montgomery. Jennifer knows my husband, Jason, through working together at Maxwell, and I was happy to meet with Jennifer and Kenny to discuss their vision for their wedding, and if I would be able to document it the way they’d like. Wedding photography is not at all the same as family photography or newborn photography, so I was very clear that although I would love to do this for them, I don’t have the experience to consider myself a “wedding photographer.” Thankfully, they still loved my vision and my photography style, and I was able to capture their ceremony, as well as the reception aboard the Harriott II! Here is just a *very tiny* glimpse in to their Wedding Day…
And, I’m also going to add, just for my memory’s sake…it was the best post-reception ever. Grateful they loved me enough as both a photographer and a friend…they said I could drink and enjoy the reception and post reception fun at the bar downtown. Sooooo, I did. But of course, after I fulfilled my commitment, I promise! Give me all of the fun couples like this one…these weddings I can handle!