Eiff Family | Montgomery, AL | Natural Light | April 2015 | Family Photographer
Sometimes, when you look back on the people God has let in your life, you realize that each little step of the way, he has guided carefully those who are to be family. Let me explain. We are a military family, and as such, many of our friends become our family. No questions…they’re just family, they’ve invited us in, watched our backs, propped us up. I giggle knowing how and when I first met the Mommy in this beautiful family, and sometimes wonder what she thought of me. I’m a *bit* introverted, so when joining a new MOPS group when we got to Montgomery, I was a little shy, which is totally normal for me. This Mommy…well, she isn’t shy. But moreover, she’s not only inclusive, loving, and genuine…she’s also a great listener. I had no idea then that our paths would continue on this journey of love and friendship between our families, but I’m so glad that it did!!
I absolutely LOVED this spring session!! It was actually taken at a beautiful plantation-type home here in Alabama, and everything about the session was amazing…and so are the owners of the beautiful home. The Eiffs and my children and I were able to tour the home and also, unknown to us at the time, get a huge spiritual blessing from the owners. They are amazing, and I’m so thankful to call both families friends!

For.The.LOVE. Could this little guy be ANY CUTER?!!! I think not!

AdvoCare Champions!!

I can’t get over big brother…loving on his baby brother!!! LOVE!

I’m a little smitten with this picture and how beautiful this couple is!