I’m on a blogging roll, y’all! One day I’ll have a better workflow to include getting blog posts written as sessions finish, but I’m not quite there yet! But, I do enjoy getting my sessions up, I promise! If you’ve been keeping up with me, you also know that I’ve been working on adding some new features to Shelby Leigh Photography, so maybe I’ll get a pass for continuing to learn how to make this business great 🙂 I’ve also been working on some other areas of my photography, and I’ll save those updates for another post!
I’m so, so blessed to be friends with this amazing family! Seriously, they are amazing! We happened to meet sort of online – we’re both military families, so we try to make connections in new places. In this particular instance, I think I answered a question about what church we went to, and I offered that my family would be on the lookout for theirs if they gave our church, Vaughn Forest, a try. After I was told to look for the man satchel (or murse?…either way…it was the most unique of descriptions he could have given, but it worked – love you Adam!), we found each other, hit it off, and went to lunch and haven’t looked back. Well, maybe on occasion when Jen and my husband get a little weird together! But our kids have a blast and ask for play dates…well, like every time we see each other.
As it turns out, Jen is none other than the amazing Jen Woodhouse….which, is pretty freaking amazing. She is more talented than I can possibly describe; between being a wonderful wife and mother, a talented worship leader and accomplished singer, and her ability to write plans for making furniture (RIGHT?!!) and MAKE the furniture herself, I’ve decided there isn’t much she can’t do (she also does her own photography work…so needless to say, I was already way intimidated going into this session!)! And, to boot…she’s an awesome friend and cook. Our family will surely miss theirs, but as our military family is used to doing, we’re already making plans to meet up after we move from Montgomery!
So, so thankful I was able to capture this sweet family here in Montgomery, but more importantly, that we became great friends while we were here!
I may have overdone it with the picture sharing in this one, but seriously, they’re an overly photogenic family, and their beauty totally shines through.
Plus, I had way too many of my own favorites, so this was easier than choosing!