The theme this week was “tiny.” And, I’m not gonna lie…I sort of thought I nailed it! Although not chosen as Eye Candy, I can say that I’m super proud of this image, as well as the second I submitted, and believe it’s still exactly what I would hope for such a theme! Not sure how much more tiny it gets than capturing an image of a cross…INSIDE a tiny raindrop…on a tiny leaf! So serious, I was baffled when I was processing the image. First, that there could be such a crisp “cross” in the drop of water, but second I have no idea where that cross came from! I love it regardless, and am blown away by the images I can capture when freelensing. This was reverse macro free lensing, which I think I do better than regular freelensing for some reason! Maybe it’s to find big reminders of God’s creation and love, even in the smallest of subjects! Can you find the cross?
I also submitted a second image, which was actually what I had intended to shoot in the first place! I want to make sure I can incorporate my sweet babies as often as I can in these pictures since this first year of M4H P52 is just my personal project work. I love the concentration and capture of my son’s tiny fingers with the tiny Tarheel Matryoshka Dolls…see below!
Tiny leaf fibers and a tiny drop of water, next to an even tinier drop…on a tiny leaf. What I noticed in post processing, however, was a big reminder that God is always with us…a tiny cross is in the reflection and for the life of me, I can’t figure out where it came from!

Since starting this project this year, I wanted most of the images to show my kids in some way if possible (with hopes of making an album of them at the end of the year), and my first submission didn’t do that. I like my first for the [tiny] theme better, but this was the original image I had in mind, before I was distracted by other tiny things smile emoticon
My tiny Tarheels playing with their tiny Tarheel Matryoshka Dolls yesterday.

Tags: Children, Personal, Shelby 2015 M4H P52