I won’t lie – I had a tough time coming up with this month’s blog post! Gold, in the traditional color sense, is not really my favorite. I’m also a bit more of a literal interpretation type of person, so I was going around thinking of what “Gold or Golden” things I could capture. Something with meaning. Something of value. Then I immediately thought of September being Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and the volunteer work that I do with The Gold Hope Project. This would have worked, but I don’t have a session for this yet (so, if you know anyone that could benefit from my services, please contact The Gold Hope Project Link. Plus, one of my truly amazing and talented friends of Tammy Davis Photography is bound to do an awesome post and session with her Warrior Paige! You can find that link { here }…I can’t wait to read it myself!
And, as so often happens, while sitting at my computer, mindlessly scrolling, God opened a door. I saw the words:
“Nothing Gold Can Stay. Ponyboy Curtis”
I SO WISH I’d have downloaded the image to put here! I can’t even remember what it was meant to convey, I just remember those words popping up, and then I went with it!
Now, what does my excitement about those words have to do with anything? First, it likely reveals my age, because I knew EXACTLY where that came from, both in the literal context of the amazing and award winning poem by Robert Frost and the movie quote, from The Outsiders. I can’t hide it. I LOVE The Outsiders! I loved the book as a child and I love (love) the movie as well. I mean, how often can someone see this good looking cast in one movie?! Just as a refresher…we have: C. Thomas Howell (Ponyboy Curtis, which is really fun to say, along with his brother, “Sodapop Curtis”), Rob Lowe, Matt Dillon, Ralpho Macchio, Emilio Esteves…and… “Darry” played by the ever amazing Patrick Swayze. That’s a whole bunch of Gold in my book 😉
More importantly however, I was able to recall much of the poem, and in that moment, I knew exactly what I could envision this post about. Here’s the poem, one of my favorites as a child, teen, and now adult and parent:
Nothing Gold Can Stay
by: Robert Frost
Nature’s first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
The images I’ve chosen for our Artists Inspired Blog Circle for our “Gold” theme are below. Each image pulls at my heart, knowing that these are all quickly fading phases in their lives. No matter how much I’ve loved each stage or season, the gold fades, and a new stage appears. And each time, they’re that much further away from their childhood, from their innocence about the world. These pictures are cherished moments in the stories of my children’s lives from just the past two years…

I hope you enjoyed my interpretation of “Gold”…and, if you’re a Mama, cherish each of those seasons with your precious littles. They fade far too quickly.
This blog entry is part of a series from The Artists Inspired Blog Circle.
The next artist in our series is the talented Nikki Smith of Nikki Smith Photography.
To see her entry, as well as continue through the circle to see how all of our Artists have interpreted this month’s “Gold” theme, click: {here}.
The Artists Inspired Blog Circle is made up of an exceptionally talented group of photographers from all walks of life, from all over the world. They are wives, mothers, friends, daughters and visual storytellers who draw from their own experiences to create art that is inspiring, unique, beautiful and thought-provoking.