Few things are sweeter to witness than a military homecoming. I don’t really think I’m biased on that; although I am a military spouse and have gone through a couple homecomings myself, I can’t imagine anyone not being touched by the welcome home hugs, kisses, and those looks that only loved ones can give after being separated for a lengthy period of time. I was blessed enough once to have a photographer friend come to one of my homecomings, and she captured moments that are so priceless and beautiful. And real. Those pictures mean the world to me, and I’m so thankful that I was able to do the same for another military family!
I had been contacted early on by this sweet military spouse, and through the normal ups and downs of scheduling and unknowns, we thankfully still made it happen! I am so honored to have been there – it was so beautiful! Three beautiful children running to Daddy, and Mommy…waiting for the moment when she can hug and kiss! It was perfect! Long awaited, but worth it.
For all you do, Burch Family…thank you!
I’m not sure about you, but I can’t get enough of these images!

If there was ever a perfect moment for me to catch the faces of anticipation, this was it!!Burch Blog-6

The moment they locked arms for hugs…priceless!

Catching moments like these…just holding, touching, and knowing he’s HERE!!! Burch Blog-17

Kiddos testing how strong they are 🙂

Between the kisses and hugs…we got an awesome family capture!!

These types of images below are some of my favorites…

Gah!!! Can they be any sweeter?!! Love, love, love!

Perfection!!! So timeless and classic! Remind you of another kissy pose?!


Two of my all time favorites!!!

Hope you enjoyed this sweet military homecoming as much as I did!!