By far, when clients come to me, location is one of the first things discussed. Many have viewed the images that I’ve already taken, and though none of my clients need or want a replica of another family or client’s session or poses, beauty is something that everyone wants to be captured. The Waters in Pike Road, Alabama has it! The gorgeous setting has a bit of something for everyone, and everyone’s images are still unique and fun, and rolling off of my previous post, scream “Alabama!” After agreeing to a maternity session, my friend and I discussed the location. She told me what she was looking for and I let her know of all that The Waters has to offer, and she loved how it sounded…and now she has a little piece of Alabama to keep with her, even when they move. And I’m pretty sure she’s going to miss it!
This session in all its beauty truly makes me happy! I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to capture the images of this gorgeous Mommy, her sweet baby bump, Daddy, and of course a couple adorable fur babies! It wasn’t without a little bit of convincing, however. Being a mother of two littles, and having had maternity pictures taken both times, there are few things that hit me emotionally as when I look back on that time. Now, trust me, my pregnancies weren’t easy by any means, but that being said, I’ve heard that you often remember the good and forget the bad! Remember the good…the great…the beautiful. I was carrying a precious life with me, to nurture and love and one day meet, and nothing compares to that feeling, except maybe meeting them for the first time. So, I knew I had to give my friend a nudge. I let her know that if there was any piece of her that thought she might regret not having them done, she should have at least a couple pictures taken. After some thought, the Prestons let me capture these moments; both Mommy and Daddy love these images and that makes my heart so happy! They get to cherish this precious time, some of the last moments of this first pregnancy while in beautiful Alabama, forever!
