Gah! I can’t believe this blog post never got published!! So, here it is…you know, just a few months late (in total fairness, that’s sooner than other posts I’ve made, so maybe this is progress!)!
So, so thankful to have been able to meet this sweet military family before we moved from Montgomery! With two wonderful parents both being in the Air Force, this sweet little peanut is bound to keep them on their toes! I loved watching the connection that each member of this family had with one another. All I really had to do for this one was be there…and they did all the rest! Love families like these that truly cherish their time together.
Thank you for all you do, Rolsens!
I don’t think I could choose a favorite image if I tried, so here are quite a few from their session!

I think I need to do one like this at every session!!

Was this there Evil Laugh pose?!!

Love!! I love that she ran to me…seriously…melts my heart. But Mom and Dad watching her in the background – priceless!

I ADORE these images…

Isn’t she the cutest little thing ever?!!! That SMILE!

Seriously, I couldn’t choose…color or black and white? Either way…she’s gorgeous!

You know it’s an awesome family when Dad joins in on the tire swing!

I’m totally not a PhotoShopper (I process fairly naturally through LightRoom), but I still love how this image turned out!
I hope Mom and Dad love it too!

I’m totally missing my Alabama families, but hopefully I’ll get some awesome new Oklahoma clients along this journey!!
Tags: Alabama Lifestyle Photographer, Birth Photographer Montgomery, By He{Art}, Childrens Photographer, Family Photographer Alabama, Maxwell Air Force Base Photographer, Military Family Photographer, Norman Oklahoma Photographer, Norman Photographer, Oklahoma City Family Photographer, Oklahoma City Lifestyle Photographer, Oklahoma Newborn Photographer, Oklahoma Photographer, Shelby Leigh Photography