While I only had one sign up for my Valentine’s Mini this year, I am absolutely thrilled with how they turned out! This sweet family has now had one milestone session (First Birthday / Cake Smash) with me, and now two seasonal minis with me, and I am loving every second! Love having long term client relationships and getting to watch my wee ones grow.
I don’t offer a ton of block scheduled mini sessions, but when I do, I always love them. I have a few upcoming studio minis this year, including Spring, Easter, Motherhood Minis, and Fourth of July! That’ll take us through much of summer, and then of course the Back to School Minis and Fall Minis will begin. Crazy how fast 2023 is going by! Remember, if for some reason you can’t make a scheduled date, please feel free to contact me and we can set up a time that works for both of us in most cases.