About The Photographer


M4H P52 : Week 8

Perspective. That’s was last week’s theme…and, I think I nailed it! I had actually intended...

Oklahoma City Photographer || My Four Hens || P52

Well this is a first for me! Excited to share that one of my images...

M4H P52 : Week 4

M4H P52[A PART OF ME] 4/52Freelensed Okay, so this whole “challenge-project-thing”…if you are questioning learning...

M4H P52 : Week 3

M4H P52 3/52  [LIGHT] While out at the Montgomery Zoo celebrating a sweet boy’s 1st...

M4H P52 : Week 2

M4H P52[STORYTELLING] 2/52 “Oh how I love this! The lil’ one in the middle…she’s my...

Life in Loud – 13th Guest Feature

If you’ve been following along, you may remember that I was able to attend a...

M4H P52 : Week 1

Jump. If you’ve been following along, you might remember that I’ve been told to “jump.”...

Challenges for 2015

As another year has come and gone, I’m thinking of the previous two years that...

Welcoming 2015 : Goals for Shelby Leigh Photography

On this dreary January 2nd day of 2015, by 4:00 pm, I feel rather accomplished!...

New Year’s Eve Post : Reflecting on 2014

What an amazing year it has been thanks to all of my supporters, encouragers, friends...