Oklahoma City Metro Photographer

My *Snow* Babies
SNOW!! It actually SNOWED in Oklahoma, and it wasn’t ICE! It’s a Christmas miracle…well, for...

December Snow in OKC
I tend to think it’s a pretty big compliment when a photographer asks you to...

Golden Hour Mini
How I loved seeing this sweet family again this year! Last year, my friend, client,...

Celebrating TWO…and my First Home-Water Birth
It’s hard for me to imagine, but this time two years ago, I was barely...

Renew: My 2020 Personal Journey to Wellness
Note: If you aren’t comfortable with complete transparency and personal issues, just skip this post!...

The Harry Potter-Themed VP Campaign
I know, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been back to share some of...

{D} Family : Newborn Session – Twins!
Seriously, how beautiful…to be blessed with two healthy babies, one boy, one girl?! This family...